Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Important Information Regarding the Changes at the Cannery..

Here is the letter that was sent to the stake cannery specialists. It is copied and pasted directly so that any questions you would have for us would be answered from the information that was found in this letter.

Dear Stake Canning Specialists:

I have tried to get this letter written for several weeks and between craziness at the cannery and the internet not working I am just getting it done.

I hope I answer all of your questions.

First of all, the Mesa Home Storage Center will probably be closed until the end of June now. I tell you, every day here is a different answer. But, the contractors will have til about the end of June to finish the project. So we are looking at July before we will start canning again. As the time gets closer we will keep you informed.

We have new hours with the remodeling. We are opened from 8:00 – 11:30 and 12:30 – 4:00. So please let your members know the new hours.

We have asked that during this time you encourage your members to work on their 3 month supply. The All Is Safely Gathered In pamphlet goes over the importance of how to do this. These items should be canned and bottled goods which are normally eaten by your family members. Don’t forget your drinking water and your financial reserve

When we start back up in July we will start with the following canning schedule:

July – milk, regular oats, macaroni and carrots
August – potato flakes, fruit drink, sugar, black beans and rice
September – white beans, refried beans, cocoa, flour and onions

We are only making a schedule for the 3 months. As we see what the demand is we will try to make a schedule for the rest of the year.

Please remember that your orders will need to be turned in 4 weeks in advance. If you can the first of July you need to get them to me by the first of June.

Anyone that orders in your ward will need to be at the cannery on that day. They will can the food, pay for it with a personal check made out to the Mesa Cannery. If they do not show up their order will be cancelled. Please remind your people we do not take cash.

On the next page I have tried to put together a summary of the new procedures. I have had several stake specialists that have helped out on this. Thank you.

Elder and Sister Carter


Ø Only certain food items will be available each month to can.
Ø The items being canned each month will be rotated every 3 months.
Ø Stake leaders need to turn into the Mesa Home Storage Center the total order 4 weeks in advance.
The person that orders the product must show up at the cannery to can it and pay for it.
Ø Stake Canning Specialists should be at the assigned canning day. Ward Specialists should be there IF they have someone from their ward canning. They will need to have a list of each person in their ward signed up for the canning and the number of cans they want to can.
Ø Bulk orders need to be ordered in advance from the wards. That way they can be preordered. When you come down on your assigned day if they are large orders the person must come down and write a personal check to pick them up. If they have small
Orders the ward person may bring a check for the EXACT amount for the order. When orders come in I will try to call and let you know if an item is not in. Your order needs to be in 4 weeks in advance so some things can change in that time. You may want to call before you come on your assigned day to check on your bulk orders.

v Use Family Canning times. The 1st and 3rd Friday of each month from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
is set aside for Family Canning. The items that will be canned for the month will also be the same items canned that month at family canning. You must call and make an appointment for your family. Mesa Home Storage Center’s number is 214-9114.
v Buy the prepackaged Family Home Storage products from the Mesa Home Storage Center. You can find these items on the website. The products include red wheat, rice, pinto beans, quick oats and the starter kit. They come in a case (6 cans) and can be purchased as bulk. These items can be purchased by walk-ins (a limit of 10 cases per item) or ordered through your ward specialists.
v A person can walk in and buy bulk items. They will have a limit of 300 pounds (about 12 packages) per household per every 30 days.
v You can can your bulk items at home. You can purchase the cans, lids, oxygen absorbers and boxes from the Home Storage Center.
v You can check out the sealer at the cannery. We have 5 that we check out. Call ahead to make sure there is one available before coming down.

We appreciate all that you are doing to help our members with their home storage. I know we have had a lot of changes and we appreciate you working with us through this all. One thing I have learned is that every day is something new. I hope I have answered all your questions. If you have any others feel free to call me and I hope I can make up a good answer. As of today these are the rules – and I am sticking to them (anyway, for today!) I hope all is going well for you. Thanks for all you do!!!!!!!!! Elder and Sister Carter 214-9114

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